ACHTUNG / / / Sie auf einer Internationalen Luft INFORMATIK HTF / / Interstellar / / ALLE als anstößig Aufschalten kann FREIHEITSSTRAFE ANTRAG und die Beschlagnahme Ihrer Informationstechnologie / / 2010.11.10 Kunst
WEBER JULIEN FABRICE Nés à Montreux le 15.11.1979/ CO LILI GARZIANO RUE JULIEN PEYORGUE 5 69100 VILLEURBANNE FRANCE INDÉPENDANT entreprise franco suisse N de siret en France 52418906500013 LYON CCI /SIREN 524 189 065/ LYON CCI Entreprise le pâtre le Worisjule premier téléphone 00339 51 05 24 42/ 004179 478 34 26/ mail/ http; tape BETSCHKAIL
Fenger AeroSpatial Suisse
Hogligli Tinagas Fenger
INTERNATIONAL / / / interstelar
De : Julien Weber <>
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Envoyé le : Vendredi 7 Janvier 2011, 14h 08min 14s
Objet : Cela doit se trouver as Trieste dans la cathedrale de San Guisto tu as que as aller voir, moi je n'ai pas le temps pour le moment si il y as une clef ou un code tu me l'a raméne si tu ne trouves rien ce n'est pas grave, si il y as de l'argent il faut me le mettre dans mon compte paye pale pour financer l'opération le Navire dans une statut derriére un icone
De : Julien Weber <>
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Cc :
Envoyé le : Vendredi 7 Janvier 2011, 13h 58min 26s
Objet : il faut trouver quelques chose qui as un rapport avec San Guisto
De : Julien Weber <>
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Envoyé le : Vendredi 7 Janvier 2011, 13h 53min 26s
Objet : Volterra ville en Italie pret de PISE
Volterra est une commune italienne d'environ 11 200 habitants située dans la province de Pise en Toscane, dans l'Italie centrale.
Située dans la Province de Pise, la commune de Volterra se trouve sur le plateau du même nom, à 550 mètres du hauteur. Elle est entourée, au Nord, par l'Era (rivière) puis par la vallée de Cecina, au Sud-ouest.
Volterra est l'ancienne lucumonie Velathri étrusque, devenue Volterrae après la guerre sociale et ensuite cité médiévale, ce qui est encore visible dans sa structure architecturale, perchée sur une colline, entourée de remparts et dominée par une forteresse (devenue une prison).
Cette section est vide, pas assez détaillée ou incomplète.
Votre aide est la bienvenue !

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De : Julien Weber <>
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Envoyé le : Vendredi 7 Janvier 2011, 12h 32min 49s
Objet : ensuite Cliff Thompson as construit le robot qui est partis sur mars pour le photographier voir lien si dessous composition du robot piéce de récupération de divers appareille

This looks like a vintage Hitachi boombox, right? Look closer; the cassette door and VU meters are actually displayed on a vertically mounted LCD. Inside lurks a Fujitsu Stylistic Color Tablet PC running Windows 98 (the final version will be Linux/Windows dual-boot). This little beastie even integrates a webcam and WiFi (802.11b). The keyboard and port connectors are awkwardly hidden at the bottom of the unit, but it works just fine on its back or tilted at an angle (see more pics after the jump).
Best of all, the Boombox still functions (sans cassette, of course). The audio out of the tablet PC is routed through the amp and speakers, making this a great on-the-road mp3 player.
More pictures after the jump.
Continue reading "The Touchscreen Boombox Computer" »

I am addicted to the MAKE:Blog. Not just because Phillip sometimes link to Retro Thing, but because there are hundreds of amazing homebuilt projects out there that offer endless encouragement to Do It Yourselfers. My recent fave is Sushicam's quest to create a hybrid digital LOMO camera out of an old Epson R-D1 digital rangefinder and a LOMO LC-A. This hack is nothing short of amazing; the new camera retains the flavour of LOMOgraphy with the convenience of digital.
In a nutshell, they gutted a non-functional LC-A and installed an Epson image sensor. Because of changes in focal length to the sensor, a Voigtlander step-up ring was used to put the lens in proper alignment. The total cost was around 5 hours of elbow grease and approximately 900 Yen in parts. And, yes, the new DigiLOMO exhibits the classic lens vignetting that makes film-based LOMOs so addictive.
Sushicam's Digital LOMO Construction Part I (via MAKE:Blog)
Digital LOMO Construction Walkthrough Part II

Vitaly Brousnikin's virtual museum offers a window into the unique world of Soviet radios, spanning the 1930s through the 1960s. It's based on an exhibition that ran in the Karelian State Museum. There are also a handful of portable record players and reel-to-reel tape decks that are astoundingly cool.
Red Star Radiosite (via Ektopia)

American public broadcaster PBS has pulled together a fascinating two hour look at the video game revolution. It was first broadcast in September, but some local stations will be re-running it later this month. If you can't wait for the show to appear on the Toob (or you're not in USA/Canada), visit the PBS website too browse their great interactive video game timeline. In addition to the timeline, they've thoughtfully included a look at some of the best/worst video games of all time.
History of Gaming: How It All Began (PBS/KCTS TV)
[Giles Perkins continues his Marmite series by standing on his head in the supermarket aisle -Ed.]
Whilst the thought of a Marmite makeover might be some people's kind of living hell (on the whole - I think I'd quite like it), this makeover I'm definitely not happy with. The interloper that's muscling it's way into the hallowed yeasty hall of fame is a sqeezeable version of the brown gloopy stuff's retro-trad brown glass jar, and to add insult to injury it's upside down!
Because the world can't wait a goddam second, Unilever (who now own Marmite) have also changed the viscosity of the heavenly veggie dream sauce so that it oozes from it's new plastic bottle more easily, gone is the manual dexterity required to tease the last remnants from its brown stubby jar, replaced by a quick squeeze round the back of the toaster for instant gratification. I'm fearing the squeezy, drippy Marmite is going to oust the stalwart spread from it's deserved place in culinary history so, I'm taking a stand and stocking up on the good stuff..... they'll never take me alive with a squeezy Marmite!
When he's not gulping down Marmite on toast, Giles runs, the premiere website for Super 8 filmmakers.
The Official Marmite World Headquarters

In early 2001, Bill Buzbee found himself sitting in a Sunnyvale pizza parlor lamenting to a friend that he was woefully ignorant about how CPU hardware functioned. After a bit of reading, he decided to tackle the design and construction of a custom CPU. It took him over five years, but he succeeded in creating an entire system built around a one of a kind TTL-based CPU board. Magic-1 runs at 4MHz and features a gorgeous front panel that provides a peek into the system.
I'll truly impressed that Buzbee didn't take the easy way out by designing a system using FPGA chips (field programmable gate arrays). Instead, he used a variation of discrete TTL technology that would have been available in the early 1980s. The machine currently has 4MB of memory and a simple operating system (with a 20MB IDE hard drive). Oh, and I forgot to mention: the entire thing is put together with cut-strip-wire wrap. Astounding. He's promised his wife that there will be no Magic-2. Instead, he's started dreaming about an FPGA-based RISC machine called Magic-16. I can't wait to see what he comes up with.
Magic-1 Homebrew Computer With Custom CPU
Video CD, or VCD, is a more or less forgotten video format. The tech specs aren't too impressive today, displaying only a quarter of broadcast resolution (putting it somewhat lower than VHS quality) using Mpeg1 compression. Invented in '93, it never really caught on in North America, but was huge throughout Asia. Since VCD is video material on a regular CD, the media is very low cost, fast to replicate, and more reliable than VHS.
These qualities also made VCD's insanely popular with bootleggers. Throughout Asian countries, and even at flea markets here in the US, it was easy to find barrels full of illegal VCD's. While standalone players like the one picture never sold well in the US, pretty much every DVD player ever made has VCD compatibility built in. Before DVD recorders & media were affordable, the VCD format hung on as an underground format for cheap copies of Hollywood movies that would play in any DVD player.
Today VCD has given way to cheap DVD replication. DVD's higher quality and interactivity have made it easy to roll over the VCD format, now quite long in the tooth. There is an S-VCD format that is much higher quality that can fit a whole feature film onto a single CD with limited interactivity, but DVD's have deservedly own the war. The only place I've still seen VCD's in use is in Karaoke CD's that also play cheesy music videos while you croak along, and I've seen them in a few multi-media kiosks (the origin of the above VCD player).
More geekery about VCD

In the world of Casio, there are a few holy grails - and this is among the holiest. I don't know that I've ever seen another double-decker consumer keyboard that wasn't a big ol' organ. The DM-100 isn't as big as it might look as it has reduced size keys, nor does it sound all that great - so what makes folks care about it?
The bottom keyboard is a fairly typical Casio of the late 80's; 12-bit PCM sounds, instruments pan wildly between speakers for fakey stereo, automated chords, etc. The top keyboard is a little more interesting in that it's basically the venerable Casio SK-1 sampling keyboard (actually its older brother the SK-5) built into the same case.
For those who don't happen to remember, the SK line of keyboards were the first affordable samplers. The top keyboard on the DM-100 holds four separate 0.7 second samples that you can play as an instrument on the keyboard. Gone are cooler SK features i.e. the limited sample editing and editable synthesis, no laser gun or lion sound effects, nor are there the old blip blip blip analog drumbeats. Basically it's two separate keyboards hot-glued together in a fancy case. Besides sharing an output and a power supply, the two keyboards really have nothing else in common. Still cool tho. :)
Discussion of the mysterious DM-100

Here's a list of some old-school micros that you can still get your hands on today. Some are original hardware that has been hiding in the back of a warehouse for 20 years, while other machines are modernized recreations of vintage hardware and software. Either way, they offer the vintage experience without having to scour swap meets and classified ads.
And before you start mumbling about the lack of a few classics, remember that the list only features machines that you can actually buy today. You won't find any Atari 800s or TI 99/4A's here because no one makes replicas or sells them brand new. And so, without any further rambling, here's my "top ten" retrocomputer list:
10. Sinclair ZX81: The world's most popular hundred dollar computer, introduced in early 1981. Other manufacturers scrambled to compete with the low-cost Sinclair lineup, mistakenly believing that the low-end market was key to dominating the home computing industry. These machines were cheap for a reason: The keyboard was printed on a large flat membrane, much like you'd see on a microwave oven. They had 1K of program memory and displayed B&W text on a TV set. Only crude character-based graphics, no sound. Zebra Systems in New York still has a few original ZX81 kits for the original $99.95 price. They have thermal tape printers for $30, too. I'm not sure how many they have left in stock, but this is a great opportunity to build a seriously Retro piece of computing history.
Continue reading "The Retro Thing 'Top Ten Retrocomputers List'" »

Wars have a way of fostering incredible research and development. Unfortunately, much of that R&D is usually dedicated to figuring out how to exterminate each other more effectively. Still, armies have always needed a way to communicate in a relatively secure manner. Historically, many used substitution cyphers to make sure that messages stayed secret even if the messenger was intercepted or bribed.
During WWII, the German military made extensive use of Enigma coding machines (with mechanical rotors) to encipher their communications. They were confident that the technology was unbreakable. A team of British code breakers at Bletchley Park -- along with some Polish mathematicians who had been able to get their hands on an Enigma before the war -- were able to crack the code and eavesdrop on German communications for years.
The Enigma-E kit is an electronic simulation of a classic M3/M4 Enigma cypher machine. It comes complete with a 65 page instruction manual that details its construction and use. It even features an optional Morse-code output, just in case you want to communicate with a nearby submarine flotilla. Order yours directly from the BP museum shop for £119.99 + postage (the wooden case is by Paul Signorelli in the USA and will cost an extra $100). Or save yourself the postage and visit Bletchley Park in person.
Enigma-E Cypher Machine Kit

The brilliantly misguided folks over at iPodLinux have succeeded in porting a very limited version of the MAME Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator to the iPod. So far, it only plays Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man on the iPod Nano and 5G. I look forward to a few more games coming soon, although I suspect the gamer-hostile clickwheel interface will turn out to be a significant hindrance for those games requiring anything more than 8-directional joysticking.
Don't hold your breath for an iPod version of Defender unless Apple adds a few more controls to their future hardware. Still, this thing is tons cooler than paying $1.99 to watch a teeny version of a TV program that aired last night.
MAME on the iPod (via the boffins at
I think this thing is insanely cool. At first glance it appears to be a traditional dime-store alarm clock, but it automatically synchronizes to the U.S. Atomic clock signal. Unfortunately, the rest of my family (and every neighbor within a two block radius) would probably throw me out onto the street the first time it went off with a deafening BRRRRIIIIINNNNNGGGG. Kinda like being awakened by a cheery fire alarm. It features fancy features like luminous hands and a snooze button.
Atomic Bell Alarm Clock (via Red Ferret)

Minox was formed in Latvia in 1936, and became well known for sub-miniature "spy" cameras that were favored for clandestine photography during WWII. They restarted the line in Germany after the war. The tiny 8mm x 11mm film is still available today and the company continues to produce several beautiful sub-miniature film cameras.
This is the Special Edition Walter Zapp, named after the company founder and measuring a svelte 10.8 x 2.8 x 1cm when closed. This limited editon LX Model has a bright chrome finish and ships with a commemorative silver medal to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Zapp's birth. As with most Minoxes, it features a wonderful push-pull rapid wind mechanism and a four element 15mm f/3.5 Minox lens. This handmade German wonder can be yours for 999 euros.
Minox Special Edition Walter Zapp Miniature Camera

Kodak introduced their Disc format to the world in 1982. The film came as a flat disc, sealed into a plastic shell. Each disc captured 15 images measuring a puny 8 x 10mm -- too small to produce anything larger than a slightly grainy standard-size print. The format had two selling points: the cameras were incredibly thin, and loading film was an incredibly simple process. Unfortunately, the image size was just too small to allow decent quality, and the format disappeared from the market in 1989, although film discs remained available until the late 1990s. These days, they're just quirky paperweights.
Visit the Gallery of 1980s Disc Cameras
This week Apple made one of their much ballyhooed announcements. I don't mind when they earn their hype stripes by actually doing something cool, but what gets my goat is when they act like they've invented some perfectly ordinary thing. This week they introduced the iPod HiFi, an amplified speaker system avaialble in the usual porcelain toilet finish.
I'm sure that it's a nice sounding three speaker system for the iPod, but it inspired me to look around my house to see if I could reproduce the same thing for a lot less money..
Continue reading "Bohus Unleashes the $30 iPod HiFi Killer" »
De : Julien Weber <>
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Envoyé le : Vendredi 7 Janvier 2011, 2h 27min 50s
Objet : il esr probable que ils ont envoyé un appel de détresse par enigma que cette appel soies la cause de la mission prochaine sur mars
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De : Julien Weber <>
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Cc :
Envoyé le : Vendredi 7 Janvier 2011, 2h 25min 53s
Objet : il esr probable que ils ont envoyé un appel de détresse par enigma que cette appel soies la cause de la mission prochaine sur mars
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De : Julien Weber <>
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Envoyé le : Vendredi 7 Janvier 2011, 2h 13min 24s
Objet : le vaisseaux avec deux membranes détécté devant le Soleil en 2001 fonctionne par l'action de comme une chenie
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De : Julien Weber <>
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Envoyé le : Vendredi 7 Janvier 2011, 1h 44min 51s
Objet : le vaisseaux avec deux membranes détécté devant le Soleil en 2001 fonctionne par l'action de comme une chenie
ACHTUNG / / / Sie auf einer Internationalen Luft INFORMATIK HTF / / Interstellar / / ALLE als anstößig Aufschalten kann FREIHEITSSTRAFE ANTRAG und die Beschlagnahme Ihrer Informationstechnologie / / 2010.11.10 Kunst F FENGER A AERO S SPATIAL S SUISSE / H HOGLILI T TINAGAS F FENGER
WEBER JULIEN FABRICE Nés à Montreux le 15.11.1979/ CO LILI GARZIANO RUE JULIEN PEYORGUE 5 69100 VILLEURBANNE FRANCE INDÉPENDANT entreprise franco suisse N de siret en France 52418906500013 LYON CCI /SIREN 524 189 065/ LYON CCI Entreprise le pâtre le Worisjule premier téléphone 00339 51 05 24 42/ 004179 478 34 26/ mail/ http; tape BETSCHKAIL
Fenger AeroSpatial Suisse
Hogligli Tinagas Fenger
INTERNATIONAL / / / interstelar
À : "" <>
Cc :
Envoyé le : Jeudi 6 Janvier 2011, 23h 20min 40s
Objet : etudes de dossiers la vitesse de la lumiére est facillement atteignable dans l'espace la constellation du centaure as 40 ans de voyage
Plan primaire du le Navire
Note sur la Technologie engagée pour avoir des salles gravitationnelle dans le Navire ainsi que note sur la Technologie Zeppellin
pour sortir jusque as 150 tonnes de matérielle dans l'espace
Quelques notes sur l'architequture du Le Navire projet d'un vaisseau spatial de 15 km de long sujet comment extraire de la marchandise depuis le Thermosphére on y monte la marchandise par un Skylifer technologie Zeppellin - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWERZeppellin NT donnée technique de QG europa pour l'élaboration du projet
Note Peeled Eyed 2010
Clause John Cooper, FASS aerospatial - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER.
Elocution au monde de l'humaniste pacificateur le patre le Worisjule premier /parole de benediction / Speech to the world of the pacificatory humanist the pâtre the Worisjule first one / word of blessing/ - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER rapport du 17 aout 2010/ multilingue - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER IL EST VRAIMENT IMPORTANT/ Multiligue/ ORGANISATION d'une exposition - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER brouillion du sceau imperiale de la dynastie Worisjulienne - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER Poésie Toi beauté sublime le Worisjule premier - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER Brouillion de poésie eddique de l'ére Worisjulienne fesant mention à Frau Berchta - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER
Le YODENPO De La RUNE DE UR A AC ET LE SOLEIL ROUGE/ OEUVRE DE LE WORISJULE PREMIER 2001 - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER ERDA LA TERRE NOTRE MERE OEUVRE DE LE WORISJULE PREMIER 2001 - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER Le Schribanne sous la pluie de runes/ oeuvre de le Worisjule premier 2010/ 雨Schribanneのルーン文字 / Дождот Schribanne руна / بار - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER
Elocution du directeur du commandement général FASS aerospatial/ promoteur immobillier aerospatial projet le navire - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER Formulaire d'accord au représentant AvocatBAHZEZE/ propriétaire legitime de la boite e-mail CABINE_BAHZEZE@YAHOO.FR/ au sujet de l'heritage de FRANCOIS PEPE propriétaire legitime de la boite mail - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER.
betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER NOTICE/ des herbes d'alpage du lot 2010, le worisjule premier est vainqueur, gloire, gloire, gloire,.... - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER trés chérs amis, nous avancons à grands pas dans la direction de l'éléction du president Global Groupe France Monsieur Laurent Binet, est pret à prendre en charge selon ces dires la requête auprés de Bill Gate pour le financement de l'operation marketing - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER Voila le formulaire / URGENT achetes sous 24 H euros-.40000.-- d'action FASS aerospatial chez C et S comptabilité et service 1296 COPPET pour qu'il puisse payer euros.-350.-- à Laurent Binet pour ça démarche aerospatial - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER ENFIN LE CLIP/CLIP I LOVE YOU LILLI ENFIN LE CLIP/ PEGRHA ENREGISTREMENT/ BETSCHKAIL POUR LA VIE/ LE WORISJULE PREMIER/ HOMMAGE A FREDY MERCURY - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER elocution Sarkosie sur les technologies//// Sebastien Saint-Chabeau aerospatial /// Coredump /// émission échec et glutamate/ herbes d'alpage - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER Betschkail il faut tuer l'ennemi le clip video - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER chapitre troisiéme le livre du patre des patres/ le YODENPO/ - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER Quelques notes sur l'architequture du Le Navire projet d'un vaisseau spatial de 15 km de long sujet comment extraire de la marchandise depuis le Thermosphére on y monte la marchandise par un Skylifer technologie Zeppellin - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER PC//76434456G12011201087654D554354R/PC Travail de mémoire sur le Heros Friedrerich Lei Baerer/// mort pour le respect de la Charte lors d'une mission d'assenissement - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER
[BETSCHKAILPOWER] Nouvelle offre spéctaculaire/// New offer spectacular///Новое предложение впечатляю - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER BIENVENUE SUR BETSCHKAIL MULTILINGUE - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER.
sous chiffre 23161120102221345/ FASSAffaire du siècle / Deal of the century/ Сделка века / 新政世紀 SGP-SGP-3456565445181120103456644 - betschkail, BETSCHKAILPOWER